The Ahmedabad Steamer Agents” association was formed in the very early days of 90’s and a couple of years after the ICD Sabarmati came into existence. ICD Sabarmati was the 2nd inland container depot to cater the services to the exim trade. Once could get avail all services available in the port.
Popularly known by its acronym AASA, the primary purpose of its formation was to bring all the shipping lines direct or thru their agents under one umbrella. This was planned so that AASA would be able to represent the interests of it s members in much better way while dealing with statutory bodies like CONCOR, CWC, Customs Port trusts and other stake holders in the EXIM trade.
It could also interact with the custom house agents’ association to sort out routine matters where clarity was required, and a consensual approach adopted. ASAA could get heard at various forums where its members would have some say in the movement, loading , unloading and other activities of their containers. ASAA was affiliated with CONCOR/CUSTOMS /CWC etc as a trade facilitator.
The idea of course was born because of the increasing number of agents/ owners slowly making their way into ICD-Sabarmati and the need to have a cohesive approach to various myriad problems as a forum .
The inspiration was drawn from the MANSA,CSLA, INSA, BCHHA and various such trade related bodies in Mumbai . We had tremendous apprehensions from the trade to accept ICD Sabaramati as a dry port. ASAA had a major contribution in the development of ICD ‘s in Ahmedabad to reach today’s status.